Setup Manual - Alix X86_32

Learn how to setup Loyall in minutes

Setup with adapter

  1. Screw the antennas on the Loyall Router
  2. Connect ethernet cable to port labeled "POE" into adapter.
  3. Connect ethernet cable to Loyall unit.
  4. Connect ethernet cable to port labeled "LAN" into adapter
  5. Connect ethernet cable to internet source. (router/modem/switch.)
  6. Connect adapter to power supply.
    1. Your Loyall unit will be activated within minutes.
    2. Place the Loyall device in the middle of the room for Best Range.

Setup without adapter

  1. Screw the antennas on the Loyall Router
  2. Connect ethernet cable to internet supply in your existing router
  3. Connect ethernet cable to Loyall unit, inport labeled "Internet".
  4. Connect Loyall router to power supply.
    1. Your Loyall unit will be activated within minutes.
    2. Place the Loyall device in the middle of the room for Best Range.

