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How to read statistics in Collect Dashboard

In this article we will guide you through how to understand Collect dashboard, and how to read statistics.

  1. Log into your Loyall Collect Dashboard by visiting Loyall website. Click here
    1. Your password have been sent by email, with subject "login til dashboard" 
    2. If you can't find your password, please email; support@loyall.no
  2. The first page you will excess is the page "Dashboard". Here you have an overview of different metrics such as:
    1. Number of people in database
    2. Contacts from Wifi
    3. Contacts from website 
    4. Imported contacts 
    5. Visitors currently on location
    6. Statistics by gender
    7. Statistics by login method 
    8. An overview of consents given
    9. An overview of when people connect 

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  3. Futher on, there is an overview of the three elements in Collect Dashboard on the left hand side. These elements are:
    1. Dashboard. Click here to learn everything you need to know about Collect Dashboard
    2. Campaign. Click here to learn everything you need to know about Collect Campaign.
    3. Audience. Click here to learn everything you need to know about Collect Audience

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  4. Use the period overview to measure the statistics.
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  5. On the top right-hand side, you excess by clicking your email (profile) different settings and choices. 

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We are here to assist you if you any need help. Contact us support@loyall.no